Shoot it, Sketch it: Hidden depths

Hamurana Springs, 2013
Hamurana Springs, 2013
Hidden Depths — acrylic on canvas, 305 x 305 mm, 2014
Hidden Depths — acrylic on canvas, 305 x 305 mm, 2014. Private collection.

I’ve painted this magical place (although not this particular image) before. Hamurana Springs also inspired Flow (my first ever abstract), Stand (an experiment in using pastels) and Redwoods (an acrylic version of Stand). There are quite a few layers of paint on this one ― lots of colours and loads of texture. The painting looks particularly good at night with the light spilling down through the gap in the trees and reflecting on the water.

12 thoughts on “Shoot it, Sketch it: Hidden depths

  1. Qué maravillosa mezcla de colores. Es lo más difícil de lograr, combinar colores sin que te canse la vista. Si tuviera que quedarme con algo, me quedaría con el color del agua, sus reflejos de los rayos del sol…
    en general, es una pintura que te transmite paz. Enhorabuena.

  2. I remember little about the Hamurana Springs area except the very source of the spring itself, which was truly hidden (and which inspired ‘Flow’). Coming across the spring unexpectedly was a mystical experience and the memory of it remains so. I love the texture and colours here, and in the light and dark the painting indeed hints at what is hidden. Well done, Anna. Love,g

    1. In my description of this painting on Etsy I wrote: “A friend (that’s you!) and I ‘discovered’ it more than 20 years ago. It felt like quite an adventure at the time because the only evidence of its existence was the name on a map and a small, faded sign near the head spring. It is now clearly signposted from a large car park and much easier to find.”

      And so finding this magical place is not quite the mystical experience it once was — which is a little sad but it also adds to the magic of the memory for me. I’m really glad you like the painting, xxx

    1. Thanks, Leslie. Yes, it does look quite different up close, when it’s all about the texture. From a distance, it’s all about the light — so it’s almost like having two paintings. I’m glad you like it.

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